The rules of use of (Government 01) website set out on this page apply to all visitors and users of the site, and in the event of a violation of these conditions by a user of the site, the (Government 01) team has the right to temporarily prevent him from using the site or permanent.Users are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate the applicable procedures and rules for protecting the Site, including but not limited to the following acts:Accessing unauthorized data or information, or accessing a server or account that the user is not authorized to access.
Attempting to interfere with the provided service by any means, including but not limited to, by placing a virus on the site, increasing the load on it, sending advertising messages to it, or spamming it with electronic messages.
Send unsolicited electronic messages to the Site, including advertisements, and/or advertise products or services, falsify any TCP/IP packet address, or any part of the address information in any electronic message, or send Group newsletters.
Violation of the rules of use and violation of the system or network, exposes the violator to civil and criminal liability. An investigation will be initiated in cases that may involve such violations and violations, and the perpetrators will be prosecuted.You must also comply with the internal policies regarding the disclaimer, copyright, and privacy policy, and the user alone bears all direct and indirect consequences of a breach of this. The site is not responsible for any compensation - whatever its form - for losses resulting from the violation of the user, or anyone on his behalf, the terms and conditions of using this website.We reserve the right to make changes or updates to this policy without the need to provide notice.